Danamere provides consultancy and on-going services to Corporate clients. These can be to the Employer and or Employee focussing on benefits associated with the work place environment. These include the provision of Group Pensions, support for Auto-Enrolment/Workplace Pensions, administration services and insurance-based protection such as health care and life cover.
All corporate benefits packages have a cost to the business, however they are widely recognised as part of retaining valued employees. After a no-obligation initial meeting, Danamere will be able to offer advice and guidance to its Corporate clients on the support we can provide through a bespoke package of proposals commensurate with their requirements. These solutions may range from the requirements of the Workplace Pension reforms, including auto-enrolment, to other common work place benefits, as well as reviewing what arrangement are already in place and their effectiveness. At whatever stage Corporate clients may be, we are able to assist them with regard to providing appropriate benefits to their employees.
Following the radical Pension Freedoms announcement in the 2014 Budget and the subsequent changes in the relevant legislation, it has never been more important for clients to review their objectives and existing pensions’ arrangements.
Danamere can expertly guide clients through this complicated process as part of their overall financial planning, or even in isolation. The scope of our services range from advising on the optimum retirement options, reviewing of existing pensions, to establishing new pension schemes at selected retirement dates, and advising on all income draw-down options available.